Tuesday, 19 June 2007

am not!

My mean grandma told me I was turning into a pudgy kitty yesterday, which is totally not true. It’s just a wee bit of winter padding, and I’m certainly not a fat cat – I’m still a sleek little black rocket. Besides, half of it is just extra fur. So there.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Mum & Dad gave me my first Big Girl collar this weekend, since my kitten collar was getting a bit small. It’s black with lots of pretty diamonds on it, so it looks perfect on me. After all, I am a princess, so nothing less would do.

Thursday, 31 May 2007

not food?

I had my first dose of the Bot this week, and it wasn’t any fun at all. Mum & dad were a bit worried for a day or so, but once everything was out of my system (from one end or the other) I was fine. I’ve always thought that if I could fit a bite of something in my mouth then it must be food. Maybe I was wrong…

Friday, 25 May 2007

naked lala

I managed to get my collar off for a few hours last night, and it was great. I wasn’t really very cooperative when mum & dad put it back on, either. I think I’ve discovered that I’m actually a closet nudist.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007


Why has nobody given me Vegemite before? I’ve obviously had a deprived childhood!

Mum gave me a little lick of Vegemite yesterday, and it’s YUMMY!! I nearly licked her finger right off, but she didn’t take the hint and give me more. I’m sure if I work on her she’ll give me another taste soon, though.

Monday, 21 May 2007

not again!

First someone stole all my boxes and bags from our new house, now someone has stolen my jungle! I had a lovely jungle in the back yard, with grass over my head in some places and lots of big tall plants, but somebody stole most of it on Saturday.

I think mum & dad need to seriously reconsider our new neighbourhood – obviously we’re surrounded by scoundrels and thieves!

Friday, 18 May 2007

i love daddy!

I love my daddy – he always buys me presents (much more than mean mummy does). Yesterday he got me a vibrating mouse. It runs and shakes and is soft and fluffy – all fine qualities for a kitty toy. Thanks, daddy!

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

i promise i'll be good!

If I’m a really, really good girl, do you think mum will give me the rabbit fur scarf that grandma gave her??

Friday, 11 May 2007

lala hillary

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to climb (nearly as much as I love to RUN). I think I must have been Edmund Hillary’s cat in a previous life. Or maybe Tensing Norgay’s.

So why does Daddy, who definitely knows how much I love to climb, get mad at me when I demonstrate how good I am? It’s not as if the curtains are that flash anyway, so why shouldn’t I use them to reach bugs up near the roof? Some people have no sense of adventure.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

alone & unloved…

Mummy & Daddy obviously don’t love me anymore. I was left alone until nearly 9.30 pm last night, all by myself with only Snoopy to keep me company. I was down to the last few biscuits in my bowl by the time they got home, too. They tried to bribe me with yummy treats to say sorry, but I’m not going to let them off that easily.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

are you sure fleas are worse?

Auntie Mel brought over some flea stuff for me on the weekend, which I know mum & dad really appreciated. I’m not so sure about that, though – cold, wet flea stuff on the back of the neck isn’t too much fun, even if I do get a nice treat afterwards. Could getting fleas really be worse than that?

Monday, 7 May 2007

it's exhausting being adored…

What a tough weekend I’ve had. Non-stop adoration really is hard to take. First it was grandma, granddad, uncle David and auntie Mel on Saturday, then two more visitors on Sunday.

I’m not really complaining about all the attention, you understand – being petted and adored is another one of my favourite things. Anyone who gives me that much attention is always welcome. I was certainly one tired kitty after it all, though. My special pillow was looking really good by the end of the weekend.

Friday, 4 May 2007

where has it all gone?

We moved house a few weeks ago, and I have to say that I love the new place. It’s big, with lots of open space to RUN (which is one of my favourite things). It’s had boxes and paper and plastic bags everywhere too, which means lots of nooks and crannies to explore (even though some people get inexplicably cranky about my explorations sometimes).

Lately there has been a bit of a change, though, and I want some explanations. Who has been stealing all the good stuff from my new playground? Where are all my boxes, my paper and my plastic bags? Someone has been stealing them, and I’m not happy about it.

Someone had better do something, or I’ll be forced to take action. And it won’t be pretty.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

some people are so unreasonable

Mum was grumpy with me yesterday, and for no good reason at all. Just because I decided to jump up on the dining table and then make a nest for myself in the middle of a box of glasses doesn’t mean you have to shout at me.

Some people are so unreasonable.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

little black rocket

Hi! My name is Lala, but I prefer to be known as The Little Black Rocket. It’s a much more sexy and mysterious name for a sleek little black kitten like myself than something as undignified as Lala. I mean, really – who would call their cat Lala? Apparently it has something to do with me supposedly making noises like a telly-tubby, but I don’t believe that for a second.

Since my “staff” (aka my adoptive parents) are fond of telling tales about me in their blogs, I thought I’d better put my own point of view across. After all, don’t believe everything you read.

So watch this space for more about me and my life…